At the Pleasure of Pisces ~ 11 March 2022

We are hours away from the Sun lining up with Neptune in Pisces. In the magic moment where the warming of the Sun melts fog or mist away, it’s difficult to notice when the magical instant when clarity appears. That’s a lot like life in the moment. Now, those issues that have jammed up the cranium with uncertainty have their “A-ha!” moment. Clarity regarding what was previously blurry gets cleared up. This is a time in which things make sense for no reason at all. Trust your instincts, your aspirations, and your visions as long as you can remain confident that your psyche is not tricking you.

Mercury entered Pisces two days ago. Here the fleet-footed one known for chicanery who loves to play magic tricks, toss out illusions and mirages simply for the amusement of observing human consciousness sort out conundrums. Mercury works up to a conjunction to Gonggong, exact later tomorrow. Here, Mercury literally urges that one be well-oriented... you know, consider all things before deciding. They implore that a stress-free Zen state may be best for making decisions about what’s next, now clear in dissipating mist. Consider all things foreign or that feel unfamiliar. Focus on what option best serves your hugest dreams and creative visions even if, especially, if it looks nothing like what you applied previously.

Soon Mercury opposes Psyche (and Orcus) in Virgo. While Mercury would prefer for you to attend to your dream state to tell you when this line up happens, and more, to realize your subconscious and unconscious cravings, they concede to Virgo here and report it’s acceptable to note the exact opposition to Psyche culminates on 15 March and to Orcus on 17 March. In this window, trust your dreams. Dreams reveal hopeful visions, creative agendas, and sometimes expose subconscious fears. No matter which, spend some moments while waking (or when you first return from a meditative journey) to recall the insights and data received. If you don’t like the situation in a dream, avoid decisions that lead to those outcomes and let it go. Also, when you decide and promise yourself that you intend to pursue those dreams and options, Orcus will hold your feet to the fire should you attempt to worm your way out of the decisions that serve the best purposes of your spirit. That’s the fine print of this transit.

The very next day Mercury conjoins the centaur Nessus. Clarity on what serves your best purposes will shine the brightest light on this transit. This bright light clears the temptation to engage in those things that cause bad blood. In this case, bad blood occurs when one chastises the psyche for choices made that produced less than ideal outcomes in the past. That is of little use in the present especially if blame is inflicted. The point of Mercury to Nessus is to instinct-check all actions that feel funky somewhere inside before taking them on. Mercury loves their trickster moments and they enjoy great glee when one succumbs to their misdirection. For decisions that support the realizations of the past few days, verify that the projected outcomes ensure that the soul will sing the fantastical results from the rooftops!

Mercury aligns with Jupiter on 20 March. Despite Mercury’s reputation for practical jokes, they do Jupiter’s bidding as a matter of course. That’s one of the reasons they have a hall pass in and out of the underworld. Here, Mercury seeks to do Jupiter’s best work and deliver messages of import to all psyches in all states of array and disarray. Make all goals, aspirations and objectives larger and amplified. At this point promised outcomes present themselves as clear opportunities. Next thing you know, Mercury moves onto Neptune, creating an exact conjunction on 23 March. This aspect is huge. Here, these two potentially ambiguous planets combine to point out if you can imagine it, it can happen. Once something is imagined, a detailed manifestation plan can be created - a plan that shifts and morphs with the whispers in the winds. To be clear, one can also imagine horrible outcomes and terror-ridden circumstances. Use the planning urges to ensure pitfalls are avoided and immunize your psyche and alternate strata of your consciousness such that it becomes allergic to bad decisions. With your consciousness shifted toward great, good choices plot out how you shall best fulfill the upcoming grandly magnificent Jupiter to Neptune conjunction. Outcomes are terrific instead of terrorizing.

Here’s another key point for Piscean pondering to consider. Taking steps and putting creative aspirations in play does not success make overnight. Manifestations take time. They require resources (monetary and energetic enthusiasm) and they thrive upon persevering action in the real world. Is it ever a great thing that Venus (resources) enters Pisces six days before the Jupiter to Neptune conjunction on 11 April? This trigger transit gives time to ask for and receive everything needed to mark that planetary transit’s bold intentions. How about the fact that Mars enters Pisces four days following the gaseous giant merger, ensuring swift, decisive and creative steps follow up on all of this.

How great is it that Venus aligns with Neptune on 27 April? Here, the shimmering mystique of both planets inspires awe, hope and the ultimate of aspiration. Then, on 17 May, Mars directly asks Neptune for a full accounting of all results from those fully hatched concepts to those ideas still in the incubator for a little while longer. Here, Jupiter squares the Galactic Center and ideas flow faster than... insert your own dreamed up imagery here. Imagination is unlimited and free for the asking.

All these patterns occur during significant personal planet transits to Chiron and Eris in Aries. These will be summarized soon... with ample time to extract maximum advantage. Suffice it to say: Keep your eye on creative intent and pursue its fulfillment. Not only will the trends be good for what ails you (Chiron in Aries), you stand to become a force to be reckoned with and not discarded (Eris in Aries transited by personal planets).

Serve at the Pleasure of Pisces. It is grand to do so. It is beneficial to do so. Astounding results... though to be clear, only those cogently conjured, results are likely to appear from the mists.

More soon.